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Financial Intelligence Data Elements
Financial Intelligence Data Elements
Tom Wilhelm avatar
Written by Tom Wilhelm
Updated over a week ago

All information collected must be accurate and complete. Each data element listed below is not required, but the more data available, the more robust the analysis and output will be when delivered to your company. For each data due date, a data export is required. At a minimum, your weekly data file must contain a ‘Unit ID’, ‘Unit Zip Code’, and ‘Total Sales’. These are the basic data points that are needed to include a unit in the results set.

A Financial Intelligence export is requested for each week. Each record in this export should correspond to one active unit in your system. Please include all currently open units and remove any units that have been closed. The following data elements are definitions. The proper headers to be used in the file are found further below.

Essential fields that must be submitted

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Sales Mix 

*Please note: For each unit, the following must hold:
[Total Sales = Food Sales + Beverage Sales + Other Sales]

Sales Type 


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*Please Note: For each unit, the following must hold:
[Total Sales = Dine In Sales + To-Go Sales + Catering Sales + Banquet Sales + Delivery Sales + Drive Thru Sales + All Other Types]

Labor Hours 

This should include labor hours for non-management employees for the week. 

Daypart Sales & Traffic 

We have two options to capture this data. Please choose one of the following:

Option 1 - Hourly Sales & Hourly Traffic

For 1Sales through 24Sales, please include the total net sales for each hour. The number represents the ending hour of a given hour time frame. For example, 1Sales represents sales that occur between 12 AM and 12:59 AM. 12Sales represents sales that occur between 11 AM and 11:59 AM. 24Sales represents sales that occur between 11 PM and 11:59 PM.

For 1Traffic through 24Traffic, please include the total traffic for each hour. The number represents the ending hour of a given hour time frame. For example, 1Traffic represents traffic that occurs between 12 AM and 12:59 AM. 12Traffic represents traffic that occurs between 11 AM and 11:59 AM. 24Traffic represents traffic that occurs between 11 PM and 11:59 PM.

Option 2 - Day Part Sales & Day Part Traffic

If you can give hourly sales, please leave the day part sales sections blank, but include the headers in your file. If you cannot provide hourly sales, please provide day part sales ONLY IF YOUR DAY PARTS MATCH OURS EXACTLY. See the day parts with corresponding hours below.

If you can give hourly traffic, please leave the day part traffic sections blank, but include the headers in your file. If you cannot provide hourly traffic, please provide day part traffic ONLY IF YOUR DAY PARTS MATCH OURS EXACTLY. See the day parts with corresponding hours below.

Day Parts Definitions


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